Thursday, January 23, 2020

1. The toilets where I live don’t work all of the time. This bugs me because when I need to go, I need to be able to use the bathroom. I believe this is because so many people use so few toilets.
2. My phone charger only works when I hold it in a certain position. This bugs me because I constantly lose or break phone chargers and have to keep buying them.  This happens because the phone chargers are made so poorly so that you have to keep buying more.
3. When TV commercials are louder than the show I was watching. This bugs me because it often scares me and increases my heart rate for no reason. I believe this is because companies make their commercials loud so people pay attention to them.
4. The size of the streets in Gainesville that should be made for one car but are two way streets. This bugs me because why would the roads ever be built like this. I don’t know why people would make roads like this it was probably by accident.
5. When people aren’t quiet in the quiet floors of the library. This happens because people are rude and have no regard for others who are studying.
6. When the water takes a really long time to warm up for the shower. This bothers me because I would love to use as little water as possible, for sustainability reasons, but cannot because the water is freezing. I think this is because the pipes in this house are old. 
7. When the people at Chipotle only put a little bit of each ingredient. I like to have leftovers so this bugs me. This is probably because the workers have been instructed to so but it is still annoying.
8. When the weather in Gainesville, Florida is freezing yet sunny one day and rainy and gross the next. I am always confused what to wear. This is probably because climate change. 
9. When I do laundry and find that I dropped socks on the floor but the washer has already started. This is because I am lazy and don’t want to make the effort of making sure everything is in the washer before I start my load.
10. When people at the gym are on machines for a really long time and don’t let me get a turn. This is probably because they are working out and want to do their routine regardless of what I want. Yet, I still find this annoying.
11. How Apple keeps making different chargers for different items they produce. It bugs me how I have to buy a new phone charger to plug my phone into my laptop. This is because Apple wants to make more money and keep people buying more of their chargers.
12. When you go to the library and there are no seats. This bugs me because I made the effort to go to the library and yet I can’t even start my work. This is because the University of Florida has many studious students who want to do their work. 
13. When you eat Cheetos and you can’t get rid of the dust on your fingers. This is because Cheetos are highly processed and the ingredients rub off on your fingers.
14. Not having a car and wanting to go to the movies. This is because I have to either pay for an uber or have a friend take me but sometimes I want to go alone.
15. Having to use an alarm clock to wake up. This is annoying because the sound makes me anxious but I need it to wake up everyday. This happens because my brain pairs the noise of the alarm with waking up.
16. Wanting to eat more good food but being full. This bugs me because leftovers just aren’t as good. This happens because I just can’t eat anymore and sometimes there is still food on my plate.
17. When you get your nails done and they chip the next day. This happens because either the nails weren’t done correctly or the wear and tear of daily life is too much for the nails. 
18. When the wifi on campus doesn’t work. This is annoying because I am just trying to do work and can’t on the school wifi. This is because a lot of people are on the wifi network and it slows down the connection. 
19. When Marston Starbucks takes 3 hours to make my coffee that I need before my next class. This is because the workers at Marston Starbucks deal with a lot of people at once and can’t handle all of the orders in a timely manner. 

20. When jeans don’t fit properly outside of the store. This is because I don’t really pay attention when trying clothes on and then later regret it when I get home. 

This assignment was difficult because there really isn't many things that bother me in daily life. Also, the small things that bother me do not make a big enough impact to make me upset for longer than 5 minutes.  Overall, this assignment was a little fun but overall made me feel negative. 


  1. These bugs were very creative and relatable. The bugs that I liked the most and relate to the most were Apple making too many new chargers, jeans not fitting after you buy them, and the Gainesville streets not being big enough. I have a truck, so the Gainesville streets seem especially small. You did an awesome job with your bug list and I really enjoyed reading it!

  2. Okay but I FELT bug number three, the moment a commercial comes on and you're flying out of your seat due to the sheer volume of it is so irritating. Not to mention when people aren't quiet in the quiet floors of the library infuriates me as well. Everything on your bug list is valid and honestly reminded me of pet peeves I didn't realize I have. Great job!

  3. Awesome bug list, number 15 stood out to me because I hate the sound of my alarm. When other people have the same alarm and it goes off it public it causes me to panic. The phone charger in my car also started to do the thing you mentioned in number 2, which is extremely annoying because it is hard to get it to stay in the right position to charge while I'm driving. Great list and thanks for sharing!
