Tuesday, January 28, 2020

My Entrepreneurship Story

My senior year of high school, one of my friends, Rachel Zietz, was on an episode of Shark Tank. Rachel created the brand called Gladiator Lacrosse that works to provide safer and more effective equipment for lacrosse games and practice. Rachel and I have spoken a few times about her experience with Shark Tank and her company. She worked hard at an idea that she believed in and her enthusiasm encouraged others to want to get on board. While she did not get an offer on Shark Tank, the sharks loved her ideas and said they really believed in her and her product. Watching a person my age, who I knew, develop a brand and work so hard on something she felt was important was a really cool experience. It was also really awesome to see a young woman push herself and make her dreams a reality.  

Image result for rachel zietz on shark tank 

I am taking ENT3003 as an elective because it was by far one of the most enticing classes I saw offered at UF. I enrolled in ENT3003 because I believe entrepreneurship is something that is a useful tool no matter what field you go into. Eventually, I want to become an environmental lawyer and I feel as though learning about branding, creating and innovating is a necessary part of my education. I hope to learn these skills as well as how to present myself as an entrepreneur to others. I love to create new things and present on the things I care about, so this class is really fascinating. This class is already interesting and I can’t wait to learn more.  


  1. Hi Nicole, awesome post! I can't believe that you actually know someone who went on Shark Tank, I like to watch that show every once in a while. I also enrolled in ENT 3003 because I thought it would teach me useful tools that I could use in almost any future profession. Thanks for sharing, and best of luck on your journey to becoming an environmental lawyer!

  2. Knowing someone who went on Shark Tank??? Awesome! Even though she did not get an offer it is good to hear that the Sharks liked her idea, its a start after all. I can see how ENT 3003 can aid in your profession, being an entrepreneur and thinking outside the box is important in your field and frankly, almost every field.

  3. Even though she didn’t make it on shark tank your friend fought for something she believed in and that to me is amazing. If one of her first steps as an entrepreneur was to create a brand that was promoted by the sharks I can only imagine what she can do in the future and how she can motivate you to become an entrepreneur yourself! I think this class will help a lot with becoming an environmental lawyer as i believe that it covers a lot of aspects in that particular field. Awesome post!
