Thursday, April 2, 2020

Elevator Pitch No. 3

Reflection: I mainly received positive feedback, but I did receive one piece of constructive criticism. The piece of criticism I received was to take out the introductory part of my elevator pitch. I did this and was able to add in a part of my pitch that included that the phone case will be affordable. I do think that this part of my pitch is a much better use of the time, since I wanted to keep it under 90 seconds. I basically have my pitch memorized at this point and have become much more comfortable in front of the camera. Because of these two details, and my ability to be more passionate and lively, because my pitch is memorized, I think my pitch is much better. I also think that this was my best outfit, making this pitch the best by far. 


  1. Hi Nicole! I really enjoyed your elevator pitch. You dressed professionally, the lighting looks great and you spoke loud. You do seem comfortable in front of the camera. I like how you made sure to include that the product is sleek and stylish because that is definitely one of the main factors that young teens and young adults pay attention to. They care about how something looks. I like how you are passionate about helping the environment and I think this product idea could really help push young adults toward making those changes. Awesome job!

  2. Hello Nicole, great work as usual!! I think you’re getting very confident in front of the camera! You really hooked me with your tone and the information you provided. I particularly liked the fact that you reduced the intro (even though it was a good grabber) to add the affordable aspect. I believe that that is a very important part for the segment you’re coverings Keep up the great work!

  3. Hey there Nicole, I think your elevator pitch was great. It was high in quality, you were dressed for the part and the staging of the video was great. As others have said I like how much more efficient the introduction is on this one, short, sweet and can draw in the watcher. You can also clearly see how much you care about what you are talking about.

  4. Hi, Nicole. Great job on your pitch! I see a lot of improvement, and I also think this last one did a better job of utilizing the 90 seconds. By the end of it, I had a very clear understanding of what your product does, how it works, and the environmental impact of it. On a more technical note, I liked the lighting of your video and your overall presence. You seemed very confident and that you were genuinely excited about your product.

  5. Hello Nicole, I think you did a great job with your elevator pitch. I liked that you dressed up but not too much which made your pitch feel more easy going and like a casual conversation. I also think your energy was great which showed that you genuinely liked discussing your product and that it is something you are serious and passionate about.
