Thursday, April 16, 2020

Reading Reflection No. 3

Book: The Art of Social Media: Power Tips by Power Users by Guy Kawasaki

General Theme: The general theme of this book is to explain how social media can be a company's or product's greatest asset or fatal flaw. The book touches on how social media is an integral part of today's society, meaning that it is time for businesses and companies to adapt or else they will be left in the dust. For that reason, Kawasaki provides tips, dos and don'ts, on the world of social media.

How This Book Connects and Enhances ENT3003: This book provides clarity and insight into how technology is just as important in a company's campaign as the actual product. Without positive online feedback and marketing, it is nearly impossible for a product or company to rise to the top of the consumer's wish list, as it is not the most prominent object in their face. For that reason, in the creation of my product and business, I would spend a large amount of time focusing on the social media aspect of marketing.

Exercise I Would Create: I would have students come up with 5 Tweets that they would use to promote their product. Because they are Tweets, they would have to be under 280 characters each. I think this would be a really great way to get students thinking about how to be witty, yet professional on a social media platform.

My Aha Moment: My Aha Moment was when I realized just how much of an advantage I have being born in a generation that was there for the birth of social media, and am completely proficient in it. I think that being my age gives me a huge edge in the marketing market, I have been watching social media form in front of my eyes and can use it to my advantage in my business endeavors.


  1. Hey there Nicole, I have seen reflections of this book before, from what I hear it is a good read! I really enjoyed the exercise you came up with, it is really useful to help students understand how to market their product online. Twitter is a really important space to advertise your product in. It is true, our generation is at an advantage to have been born during the technological boom.

  2. Hi, Nicole! I haven't read this book yet, but as an advertising major, I completely agree that social media can be a company's or product's greatest asset or fatal flaw. Especially right now with everyone bored at home scrolling through social media, it's the perfect opportunity for businesses to get their names out and hopefully show the world how they are helping those in need. I also like your idea for the class exercise. It would force students to be creative and fit as much as they can into 5 tweets. Great job!

  3. Hi Nicole, this sounds like a very interesting book and something that most of us should read. Your idea of an exercise for this class sounds really helpful, because like you mentioned social media is a very important tool nowadays for businesses. I also think your "aha" moment was an important observation, as our generation has a great advantage in todays business world. Great work!

  4. Hello Nicole, I have also read this book and your reflection was great! I also liked the exercise you came up with because twitter is a difficult platform so being able to connect with people in a few words is very important. I also agree that our generation is at an advantage because we are so in tune with social media and basically have grown up with it.
