Thursday, April 16, 2020

Exit Strategy

1) My exit strategy would be to lead and work for as long as possible. After many decades I would retire and pass on the majority of my duties to an executive member who I believe truly cares, while still being able to remain involved when I choose to do so.

2)  My business is more than just a compilation of products; it is an ideology that hopefully causes a shift in the daily lives of others in order to protect our planet.  For that reason, I think that selling my venture would feel like selling a part of my soul. I think I would need to be involved until my dying days.

3) I think that my exit strategy has influenced my entire decision-making process. I wanted to tackle an opportunity that I felt was important and had a long-term solution. My original product is just one piece of a large puzzle that I would love for my company to help with as much as possible. I want my company to keep producing products and positivity until the Climate Crisis is a thing of the past. I think that there are many people who would get on board with my products and the ideas behind them and would eventually join the company.


  1. Hey there Nicole, I enjoy the fact that you intend on passing the company to someone who you intend to observe and determine whether they deserve the company. That is probably is the best course of action since having someone who actually cares about the Climate Crisis in charge is extremely important. I can see how your exit strategy can influence your decision making process. Cheers!

  2. Hi, Nicole! It is very obvious that you have great confidence in your product and passion for the cause that it supports. Even though I chose a very different route for my exit strategy, I can very much appreciate your decision to remain the owner of your business for as long as possible. I think that because your idea is rooted in something much deeper than a product, something that you have an emotional connection to, it makes the most sense for you to not sell your business. I like how you are focused on a long-term solution. Great job!

  3. Hi Nicole, after reading your exit strategy I think that you have a great plan! I like how you included that when you retire you could transfer your responsibilities to someone you trust, while also still having the option to offer your ideas and involvement when you want to. I think that it's awesome that you are passionate enough about your product to dedicate your life to growing your company! Great work!
