Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Final Reflection

1) Reading through all of my blogs post for this semester made me feel really accomplished and proud of all the work that I have done. There were assignments that I dreaded, such as the interviews of my friends and strangers, and assignments that showed me new things, such as my "Secret Sauce." Not to mention, doing an elevator pitch three times made elevator pitches go from my least favorite assignments to something I could do in my sleep.

2) What sticks out to me as the most formative experience was the Venture Concepts. These culminations of my work and ideas was something that really helped me organize my thoughts and think about all that I had been working towards. I think that years from now I am going to remember that sometimes you need to just sit down and write out what you have done, are doing and what you are planning to do next. I think it will be a really important skill no matter what I end up doing with my life.

3) I think I have definitely moved closer to an entrepreneurial mindset. I have found myself watching TV and thinking "Wow, what a great marketing strategy!" I have also realized how much work goes into each idea, that people on Shark Tank don't just wing it. It was really cool to watch my business idea come to life and to analyze my trials and tribulations throughout the process. I've found that working on one idea for an entire semester can be fun and interesting, not monotonous. I think that this is a tool I can use in my business endeavors, to not give up on an idea that I know is good.

4) One recommendation I would make to students who are about to take this journey is to make sure that your product is something that relates to something you care about. It is so much easier to work on something that has a message you believe in, even if it may not be the most profitable. Take each assignment seriously and develop your idea, because that is the best way to learn through this class. Really dive into the class, do not do the bare minimum or you are going to find each assignment to be a burden and busy work. If you do your work based on something you care about, it becomes exciting to see your idea grow with each assignment you do.

Cartoon Business Presentation Royalty Free Vector Image


  1. Hello Nicole, this was a great reflection! I also agree that in order to get the most out of this class you need to chose a product or service that you really care about because that makes it easier when doing assignments and you will take it more seriously. I would also encourage future students to take each assignment seriously if they really want to get the most out of this class because a lot of helpful hints and concepts are learned here.

  2. Hi Nicole! I am so glad that I am not the only one who dreaded interviews and elevator pitches in the beginning. I think they were definitely out of most people's comfort zones but have now become appreciated and really taught us all a lot about how to form a business idea fully. I really like the recommendations you gave to future students. I fully agree that they need to care about their business idea and not just make one up for the sake of getting it done. Great job with this!

  3. Hey Nicole, I have been following your blogs for a big part of this semester and you have done a great job chasing your goals and becoming a true entrepreneur! I really enjoyed your review from the time entire semester. What was interesting to me was the reason why you dreaded your interviews with your close friends. I also think that the venture concept is an excellent way to organize your ideas so it stuck out to me too. Great work!

  4. Hey there Nicole! I definitely relate to you when it came to dreading the interviews and elevator pitches, if anything I found them to be more tedious than anything. I also agree with the sentiment of choosing a product that you genuinely have interest in or care about. It pushes us to actually put effort into our work which can be hard at times. Cheers!

  5. Hi Nicole! I agree that the venture concept assignments taught me a lot about how to form ideas and add on to them, which is a skill that we can all use in other areas of our lives. I also agree that after taking this course I have been noticing things around me in a different way, like commercials or recognizing opportunities that I normally wouldn't have. Great work!
