Thursday, March 19, 2020

Customer Avatar

This is Jenny, a senior Sustainability Studies major at the University of Florida. She is currently deciding between a job at an environmental consulting firm, and working for a nonprofit to save the rainforests. Her favorite color is orange and her favorite hobby is to watch the sun rise and set at Paynes Prairie. She manages a 4.0 GPA while being involved in about a dozen clubs on campus and keeping up with her busy social life. She drives a white Prius and loves to blast Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber while carpooling with her friends. Since her parents are both strong advocates for the environment, she has grown up loving our planet and working to protect it; it is a key part of who seh is as a person. Also, Jenny heavily advocates for any political candidate who makes environmental issues a leading part of their platform; she is even considering running for office one day. Jenny likes to dress cute for her daily life, especially when she has class, but also loves to rep the organizations she's apart of. She is always informed with what is going on, but never forces news on anyone that doesn't want to hear it. She is the perfect amount of passionate, not overbearing but makes you believe in what she's doing.

Jenny would identify herself as a "tree hugger" but others often think of her as a "cool" girl.

I feel as though I see a lot of myself in the avatar I created. I am passionate, definitely a tree hugger, and Taylor Swift's music is my guilty pleasure. I do believe that I can be pushy when it comes to the things I believe in, unlike Jenny. The reason I picked the product that I did, a solar-powered phone case, is because I truly believe it is something I would use and advocate for. For that reason, it makes sense that the person I envision using my product is similar to me in most ways.


  1. Hi, Nicole! I enjoyed reading about your customer avatar and I feel like I could imagine her in my head even without the picture. You did a great job of describing her in a way that you really feel like you know her. I agree that it makes sense that we have a lot of similarities with our customer avatars. Like you, I designed my product as a solution to my own problem, so it makes sense that our customer segments are similar to us.

  2. Hey there Nicole! I really loved your customer avatar, it is really in depth and I did not even think to include thinks like someone’s favorite color and more subtle details to someone’s life. Honestly I think you got your target audience on the nose and I think it works for the product you are selling. Keep up the good work! -Tina

  3. Hello Nicole! Nice work here! Really liked your avatar and the emphasis you put on detail. I also really liked the fact that your Avatar was actually a real person. Furthermore, I think you depicted it in a perfect manner. I believe individuals that are big on environment preservation, especially sustainability majors would be the perfect market for your case. Keep up the great work!
