Thursday, March 26, 2020

Growing My Social Capital

Domain Expert:

1. Financial Consultant- This contact is an expert in studying the market and knows a lot about which companies/ideas work and which don’t in order to help his clients. He’s based in Charolette, North Carolina. 
2. Domain Expert. This contact knows a great deal about stocks, investments, and other information that was valuable about the market. 
3. This contact is a friend of my older brother and I contacted him by FaceTime after my brother sent me his number. 
4. He talked to me a great deal about how to present the product. He suggested having a line of products, because people are more likely to buy and invest in a company/product that seems established. He was a great resource because he is only a few years older than I am so he spoke in a way that was easy for me to understand. He did me the favor of putting in the time and effort to talk to me and the return expectation is a continued friendship with my brother and myself.
5. Including this person in my network is a great way to enhance my ability to exploit an opportunity. He knows so much about the market and companies and can even help me handle my personal finances. 

Market Expert: 

1. This contact is an Environmental Science Researcher/Graduate Student at Duke University. 
2. Market Expert: This contact knows so much about the field of renewable energy and has spent the past couple of years research the best methods for people to switch to renewable energy. 
3. This contact is a friend of my older brother and I also contacted her by FaceTime after my brother sent me her number. 
4. I found this contact extremely helpful and interesting. This was an amazing conversation because I got to talk to someone who cares about the same things as me AND is so knowledgeable about them. She talked to me about how this is a great idea, and how she would definitely buy one. She said if it really does happen she could help me with the actual design of the phone and wiring. So cool! She did me the favor of putting in the time and effort to talk to me and the return expectation is a continued friendship with my brother and myself.
5. Including this person in my network is a great way to enhance my ability to exploit an opportunity and I got to ask really cool questions. She knows so much about renewable energy and the market behind it, she was a huge help.

1, Phone Case Salesman- This is the manager at a phone repair and case store in Boca Raton, Florida.
2. Industry Supplier: This contact knows what types of phoneeases sell and which demographics buy which cases.
3. This contact is a salesman in the plaza closest to my house. I called the store and asked to speak to the manager.
4. I shared my idea with the manager and he said if we could get it down to a reasonable price, he would consider selling it in his store. He also said if it came in different designs, such as solid colors, glitter, and some with pictures on them, he thinks all different kinds of people would buy it. He did me a favor, potentially with the intent of me to continue being a customer, but probably was just trying to be kind. 
5. Including this person in my network allows me to get in contact with a potential distributor. It was really insightful in helping me plan the selling of my phone case.


This exercise put me in contact with some really cool contacts. By asking my brother, I got two contacts already, which was awesome. I will definitely be using these contacts in the future in my research and/or other ventures. I was really thankful that each of these people were willing to talk to me and answer my questions. It is nice to think that people are willing to do that, especially with the current state of the world. 


  1. Hi Nicole, it sounds like you found three great new contacts. Everyone seemed to have great feedback on your product which is great. It’s cool that the market expert actually offered to help you with the wiring of the phone case because it shows that it is possible, and it shows there they are a lot of people in the world that are passionate about the environment. Great job!

  2. Hey Nicole! I think that you have found a great social circle to start off your product. All your experts seem to special in one of the three necessary skills and areas and will really help boost your product. I also admire the fact that your circle isn't just hypothetical but also realistic and could help bring your project to life very soon. Great work as usual!

  3. Hey there Nicole, I really like the connections you made for this part of the assignment, finding an environmental expert, a person you can consult on the product and how to sell a phonecase and a financial consultant are all people you will need to keep your project going steady. Any questions you may have can be readily answered by this triad of people. Great Job!

  4. Hello Nicole, it looks like you found some really good people to help increase your social capital. Each person you interviewed seemed very knowledgeable about the field and was willing to help you and your product by giving you valuable information. I also really liked that phone case salesman was so helpful and willing to sell your product in his store.
