Thursday, March 12, 2020

My Secret Sauce

1) Describe five ways in which you think you have human capital that is truly unique.

- Humor. I am easily the funniest person I know. I know this sounds like I’m being cocky, but I even won the Class Clown superlative at my high school. I love to make light in stressful situations and make people smile and laugh.
-Approachability. I am a 5’2” and very petite with a smile on my face at all times. My bubbly personality always makes me seem easy to talk to, even when I don’t necessarily want to talk to anyone.
- Communication. I believe I am an excellent communicator. I work very hard to be clear and descriptive when I explain things that I care about.
- Leadership. I am someone who stands for the things I believe it and rarely follows other around. I like to do things my own way yet know how to compromise when I have to.
- Hard working. I always do the things that I have to do quickly, usually beforehand and effectively. I love hard work and have always gotten bored when things get too easy. 


1. My boyfriend: My boyfriend says that I am very pragmatic and can mitigate problems in an effective way. We have been dating for over a year and a half and he has seen my ability to deal with hard situations in a way that makes things seem easier and less serious. 
2. My mom: My mom said that I am a hard worker and I always find a way to get things done while still smiling. I believe this to be true about myself.
3. Sara (my friend): My friend Sara says that I know a lot of information, yet never make people feel bad about not knowing things when I explain them. I believe this has to do with my communication skills and approachability.
4. My brother: My brother says I can find the humor in any situation and I always keep the room light. I think this has to do with my sense of humor and positive attitude. 
5. My little and bestie: My little says that I know information about many different things and I have really specific ways of speaking and mannerisms. I think this comes from my leadership abilities and my unwillingness to change parts of myself for others. 

Reflecting on the differences:
I think there are many similarities and differences between what I and others anticipated as my “secret sauce.” My friends seemed impressed by my knowledge of random things, which is something I didn’t mention. I think the reason for  this discrepancy is that the knowledge I have is just the things that I know, but to them it is useful help that is presented in a friendly and nice way. Many of the things that people said were the same as what I said, which is honestly pretty cool. I really enjoyed this assignment and being validated in the characteristics I value in myself. 


  1. Hey there Nicole! I’m glad you learned something new about how other people perceive you. The best (or worst) qualities about ourselves can usually be found from other people’s perspectives. I also think being approachable and funny is really good qualities to have, cause a lot of people try to fabricate them and it never hits the same. Great job on the assignment!

  2. Hello Nicole, it was interesting to see how those around you see you versus how you see yourself. Things we notice about ourselves appear normal to us but unique to others. For example, your knowledge of random facts seemed normal to you but your friends were impressed by this.

  3. Hello Nicole, I really believe that those 5 components that represent you are very important aspects of an entrepreneur. Being able to make people laugh with a combination of leadership and approachability make you a "people-person" and a good leader. Also, being hardworking will get you a long way in the 21st century. I also coundn't help but notice that there weren't that many differences between your list and the one your closest friends and family created which means that you have a good perception of yourself. Good work!
