Thursday, March 26, 2020

Idea Napkin No. 2

Idea Napkin No. 1

1. Who I Am- My name is Nicole Kone and I am a sophomore at the University of Florida. I am an Economics and Sustainability Studies double major. I believe my strengths to be my charisma and my sense of humor. I usually can make people laugh quite easily, which makes people tend to feel as though they connect with me early on. My aspirations are to help save the world, become an environmental lawyer, and make a difference in the fight against climate change. My aspirations and my expertise increase my human capital, my dream occupation is related to my product, which is really cool! I see the solar powered phone charging case playing a role in my life by being a step in the right direction of making changes that will help the environment. 

2. What I Am Offering To My Customers- My product will satisfy the unmet need of an easy transition into renewable energy in everyday life. My expertise and passion are also being offered to help convince my customers to care more about the environment! The case will be affordable and customizable, making it an appealing product on its own. I am providing customers a phone case they will already want, that also helps save the world. 

3. Who I’m Offering To- My customers will be people who have phones, want a phone case, and especially those who want to help the environment. While I think that environmentalists and people already make a conscious effort will already buy this case, the case’s customizability and affordability will be a huge draw for customers who are just in the market for a new case. 

4. Why They Care- The truth is, for my product, customers do not need to care about the environment. Those who care about protecting their phone, or having a portable charger will be on board to buy my product by themselves. The charging capabilities and design of the case in itself will encourage people to spend their money on the case. The added plus is helping the environment, which may also be the draw for other people. 

5. My Core Competencies- What sets me apart from everyone else is my background in both economics and sustainability. For that reason, my knowledge and planning for my product is specifically geared to help the environment AND generate income. 

I truly believe all of these elements fit well together. With my desire to help save the world, the amount of potential customers, my unique product, and my unique background all fit together in a way that makes me believe in my product and pitch. I believe that no part of my business concept is weak because I truly do not believe that there are people actively working against the environment. 

Feedback Reflection:

My comments were all positive, so I did not change much about my idea napkin.My revisions were based around the comments that were all revolving around my major, expertise, and aspirations. Therefore, I changed a few things in part 1 and 2 of the idea napkin. I really appreciated all of the feedback. Thanks to everyone who commented!


  1. Hi Nicole, just like last time your idea napkin looks great! It goes into great detail and I like how you explain your aspirations to become an environmental lawyer because it shoes that you are passionate about your product. If you were to add anything, I think you could discuss more in the core competencies section because I think there is more that makes you and your product unique. Great work!

  2. Nicole, I really like how you set high goals for yourself and how to aspire to truly make a difference in the world. I believe that really helps to market your product. The big thing that makes your product great is that it is affordable. Cost is a huge factor on whether or not people will spend money on a product. Also, knowing that they are helping the environment might push them to buy as well. I like that you have background and experience. I think you did a great job! I would definitely buy one haha.

  3. Hey Nicole! As always, great work! I read your first napkin and remember that it stood out how passionate you are about your product. I also remember mentioning that that is very important and will help inspire people to buy and use your product. It will also help you achieve your goal as you are working towards something your passionate about. I also think that the affordable factor is a big component as your segment will most likely be college students and that is one think they find very important.

  4. Hey there Nicole, I really like this napkin in comparison to the other, in this one you can definitely tell that you feel more strongly about this product and are more well informed than before. Cost is something you really have to consider in a product like this because people do not like to spend a lot on phone cases, I know the last one I bought was five bucks. Overall, great job and keep up the work!
