Thursday, February 13, 2020

Elevator Pitch No.1

or watch my video here:


  1. Hello Nikki,

    I really enjoyed your elevator pitch! I think you're on a truly great path with this idea and I believe that it's going to really going to turn out a success if you actually decide to go through with it. I think your pitch was very convincing and you followed all the steps a 90 second elevator pitch should compose off. Keep up the great work Nikki!

  2. Hey there Nikki, I think you knocked your elevator pitch out of the park. The confidence in what you were saying was evident. This is key, seeing that the person pitching the idea actually cares about what they are presenting definitely helps drawing consumers in. (I can tell you actually watched the videos provided on the post haha) It is only uphill from here, keep up the great work!

  3. Hi Nicole,
    I thought you did a great job with your elevator pitch! You stayed within the 90 second time limit and did a great job explaining the benefits of your product. You also did a great job not rushing your elevator pitch as it was very easy to understand you and receive the message you intended to give. Again, great job and keep up the good work!
