Thursday, February 6, 2020

Testing the Hypothesis, Part 1

!. Opportunity: A cheap and accessible phone case with solar panels and a phone charging cord. 
            a. The who: Everyone with a phone
b. The what: They are unable to charge their phones in a way that utilizes renewable resources. 
c. The why: There is currently not an affordable or easy way to charge through renewable resources.  
            a. Testing the who: Everyone has the need to make the transition into renewable resource use to help save our planet. Charging a phone is something most people do everyday, many times a day. 
            b. Testing the what: The world needs to move in the general direction of sustainability and renewable resources. The charger case is an easy transition to this new approach to charging. The charger case needs to be lightweight, durable and the same price as other charging devices. 
            c. Testing the why: People who feel strongly about sustainability will finally have a long-lasting and less expensive way of reducing a part of their daily carbon footprint. People who cannot afford or want to reduce their electrical use can have a means of charging their phone in a marginally free way. Also, people can charge their phones when travelling or adventuring outside, without having to halt their fun. 

a.     21 year old female student
b.     Middle-aged mother of 3 children
c.     19 year old female student
d.     19 year old male student
e.     16 year old female student

1. Do you care about the environment?
a. Yes
b. Of course
c. Yes
d. Yes
e. Kinda

2. Would you change something small in your daily life to help the environment?
a. Yes, if it was actually something small.
b. Yes, I’ve been trying to switch to more recyclable materials!
c. Depends what it is but probably.
d. Yes, for sure.
e. Maybe depends what it is.
3. Would you consider buying a phone case with solar panels in order to charge your phone on the go and with a renewable resource?
a. If it wasn’t really ugly or heavy, yeah.
b. Yes! I think that would do really well on Amazon or for Apple.
c. Yes. For sure, that’s really convenient.
d. Do they have that? Probably if it wasn’t super expensive.
e. If it was slim, probably.

4. Do you think others would buy that product, even if they don’t care about the environment? Would you be willing to tell others about it?
a. Probably, if it was stylish enough. I would definitely tell others about it. 
b. Yes to both. My friends would buy them and I would tell them about it.
c. Yes, others would buy it because you don’t need to plug in your phone to charge it. I would tell others about it, too.
d. Maybe, if it isn’t too heavy. If it worked and was cheap I would tell others about it.
e. I think others would buy it if it wasn’t really expensive. Yes, I would tell other people about it. 

According to my interview, the design and price are huge factors in the success of the opportunity. From this information, I would need to make a really sleek design that would probably still fit in a purse or pocket and look stylish. I would spend money and probably hire people in order to create the design so that it can be enticing in order to originally get people to buy the case. I believe the case has potential and would be a huge step forward in the sustainability movement. 


  1. Hi, Nicole! I've never thought of this before, and I think it's a great idea. I would agree with the people you interviewed in that it would be very convenient to have one of these cases if it wasn't bulky or too expensive. It would solve several problems like having to carry around a spare charger or power bank, preventing your phone from dying during the day, and helping the environment. Good work!

  2. Wassup Nicole! First things first, I love your idea and definitely need one of these products for myself. Design and price will really make or break your products, as I am fairly sure a few products like this have been made. Find something that will really set you apart from other competitors, whether it be special features or just aesthetics. Otherwise you should be in tip top shape!

  3. I believe there is definitely an opportunity in the field of using renewable resources with everyday items. We are all constantly on our phones and if we can help the environment while doing that, I think it would be great. I agree that the design is a big part of people's decision to buy it. Our society is all about how something looks to the eye. Also, price is a huge factor that people consider. If it's too expensive, people are less likely to want to buy it. It is a good idea though and you explained it well. Great job!

  4. Hi Nicole, I think you came up with a great opportunity here! I constantly struggle with having my phone die and not having a place to go charge it when I’m out. I think that if you can create a phone case that remains stylish and functional with also having solar panels and a charging cord, you’ll have a great solution to this opportunity. Great work!

  5. What an interesting idea, thanks for posting! I definitely would have a use and need for a solar charging phone case because there's nothing worse than your phone dying and not being able to charge it. It's also a plus that it would be better for the environment. I agree with those that you interviewed that it would have to be reasonably priced and not too bulky.

  6. Hello Nicole, I like this idea and found it very unique to use a renewable resource to charge phones. However, I think there are a few other things you should have asked in your interviews such as "How often do you find yourself without a charger and an uncharged phone?" or "What types of things do you do in your life currently to be eco-friendly?". These questions could give you more of an idea about how often the average person needs to charge their phone as well as their willingness to make a change.
