Monday, February 17, 2020

Figuring Out Buyer Behavior No. 1

1. Segment: Female college students

2. Interviews: 20 year old female student, 19 year old female student, and 21 year old female student

3. Need Awareness: All three of my interviews yielded very similar responses, which makes sense considering the interviewees were all from the same segment. Each of the three women I interviewed stated that they do acknowledge an unmet need for an easy transition to a more eco-friendly everyday lifestyle. Two of the women felt that the need to make switches to renewable resources and energy was most prevalent in their lives when the topic of climate change was brought up in the news, social media, or their daily conversations. The other woman stated that she constantly is searching for ways to produce less waste and reduce her energy use. I believe their needs are so similar because they all have been raised in a generation that cares about the environment and realizes the pressing need of the climate crisis and planet protection. 

4. Information Search- I questioned the women I interviewed what they first did when they became aware of their need. I asked them where they search for information. The 20 year old woman said she often looked on social media, often Twitter, to find more information about the most recent developments in the shift towards an eco-friendly lifestyle. The two other women told me they do not often search through social media, but instead go online and search things such as “small changes to help the environment” and “how to use less plastic.” Two of the women had already ordered reusable straws and/or bags for shopping. All of the women said that their friends usually share information about how they make their lives more sustainable as it happens, usually in a group chat with an update about buying a metal straw or about the newest Tesla that has come out. 

5. I learned in my interviews that people in this segment do want to fill that unmet need. They want to make small changes that will help the world, but they want it to be put in front of them, so that they can do less work. 

6. This segment definitely has need awareness, but it is not constantly on their minds. Each of the women I interviewed agreed that this was an unmet need in their daily lives. In terms of information search, their searches could be deeper but they definitely do dedicate some time to gaining information. 


  1. Hey Nicole, Great job with your post! I liked how you targeted college students in your interviews because the vast majority of them have needs for a phone case and a large portion are passionate about the environment. From your interviews, it seems like people get information about the environment from the internet so that would be a great place to start advertising your product. Great work!

  2. Hey Nikki, excellent work on creating your segment and collecting information from your interviews! I really think that you are getting closer to putting your idea to good use and believe that you have found the right group of individuals to target. College students have a need for a product like this as they use phones on the daily and are very involved in the latest trends. Great work overall!

  3. I think you did really well in completing this assignment. You outlined your points very well and explained them in a manner that made sense. I definitely agree that a lot of times when people have an unmet need, they want to fix it, but they don't want to do any work themselves to fix it. They want the solution to just be given to them so they don't have to work for it. So, hopefully your product will help them realize the importance of taking care of our world and how just one little step can make such a difference. Great job!!

  4. Hey there Nikki! Your post is extremely detailed and leaves no questions unanswered! Makes sense that the age range you interviewed is aware of their unmet need and has been making a few strides to aid their need. This is just a small percentage of people who you can market your product to. Maybe expand your reach and see what happens, couldn't hurt.

  5. Hello Nicole, I liked that your interviews focused on college students because many of us are very conscious of the effects of climate change and thus are more willing to make changes in our lives to help the environment. Although these women did recognize an unmet need I think another important thing to consider is how easy will it be for them to incorporate this change into their daily lives.
