Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Identifying Opportunities in Economic & Regulatory Trends

Economic Trend: More Retailers File for Bankruptcy Twice as They Struggle with Rising Debt, Pressure from Amazon
B.    The information in this article has led me to believe a new opportunity exists. Huge name stores and brands have been filing for bankruptcy not once, but twice. I believe the opportunity arises from this excerpt “Part of the problem is that it is only becoming more difficult to remain relevant as a retailer in an age where Amazon is dominating more categories online as consumers shop from their couches instead of in stores.” These stores are not doing well because they are competing with the comfort and convenience of shopping from homes, or really anywhere.
C.    The idea customer is a working parent constantly on the go but still wanting to buy from her favorite shop, not Amazon.
D.   I think the opportunity is relatively easy to exploit. If we could find a way to give a virtual tour of a shop to shoppers, or let them thumb through the racks on their phone, shoppers would still buy from these stores just from a remote location.
E.    I believe I saw this opportunity as a young woman who loves shopping but has very little time to do it. For that reason, I have always thought about a better way to online shop from my favorite stores.

Economic Trend: Newer Generations Shifting Towards Thrift Shopping in Effort to Save Pockets and Planet
B.    This information has led me to believe an opportunity exists. Because newer generations are buying used clothing to save the planet and money, why wouldn’t they spend their money on other used goods?
C.    The ideal customer is a teenager who cares about fashion, the environment and a budget.
D.   I think this opportunity is again relatively easy to exploit. If given the chance to shop in a mall that consists of entirely used, but working, goods I think thousands of people would go. People will look for the easiest way to do something so finding all used goods in one place will make shopping for them much easier.
E.    I believe I saw this opportunity because I am someone who doesn’t mind using used goods and I care greatly about the environment. I don’t like the “throw away” mindset so this opportunity was fairly easy to spot.

Regulatory Trend: A Shift Towards Enforcing Background Checks for Gun Purchases
B.    This information has lead me to believe an opportunity exists. There have been too many people hurt and killed because of our nation’s attitude and laws regarding gun policy. There is a growing problem that our politicians refuse to agree on policy that would save lives.
C.    The ideal customer for this opportunity is everyone. Everyone would benefit from stricter gun laws.
D.   I believe this opportunity is very difficult to exploit because politicians can never agree on anything because of their unbearable need to “win.” It is really sad that such an important issue has such difficulty finding a solution because there are so many sides to the issue.
E.    I believe I saw this opportunity because I live near Marjory Stoneman Douglas and for that reason I feel very passionately about gun control policy. People near me have been hurt terribly and it is time for something to be done.

Regulatory Trend: Money and Market for Cyber Security is Growing
B.    This information has lead me to believe an opportunity exists. As the Internet has grown, cybersecurity has become an increasingly more important. There are hackers and cyberthreats that are becoming a problem for regular citizens and national governments.
C.    The ideal customer for this opportunity are computer users and national governments that use technology and want to protect the data on their devices.
D.   I believe this opportunity is difficult to exploit because it would take people with very specific knowledge and skills. It would have to be people who truly understand technology and the data.
E.    I believe I saw this opportunity because I am a young person who wants to protect my privacy. Growing up with the Internet has made me wonder how the progression of data sharing will become a benefit to society but also a threat.


  1. Hi, Nicole! I really enjoyed reading about the opportunities you found in these articles. I especially enjoyed the second one about thrift shopping malls. That is a very creative solution that I had never though about, but I would definitely go to one if it existed. I could see young people going there as an activity to scout out cool items that they might actually be able to afford. Also, people could make some cash by selling their unused items to the stores at a low price. Great idea!

  2. Hey Nikki! I think you did a really good job spotting opportunities through economic and regulatory trends here. If I had to pick one I particularly enjoyed, it would be the thrift shop one. Similarly to you, I don't mind using things that are used and I think an opportunity could truly exist here. Keep up the great work!

  3. Hi Nicole, I thought you did a great job on this assignment and came up with some interesting opportunities. I was most interested in market for cyber security growing because I am not as technical as some people and feel that my computer and phone are not very well protected. This means that people want a more guaranteed solution to protect their computers and phone presenting the opportunity. Great job!

  4. Heyo Nicole! I enjoyed the articles you referenced greatly, you can tell the times are changing drastically, as a lot of markets are opening up and the political climate shifting. The trends are definitely interesting and could result in some business opportunities. Taking advantage of the change of the tides is extremely smart and will get you places, one hundred percent!
